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◤ 每週一固定休館

◤ 3月館內工程維護休館 :



⬯ 開館時間:星期二至星期日

⬯ 開放時間:09:00-12:00,13:30-16:30

⬮ 休館時間:星期一及國定假日



◤ 每週一固定休館

◤ 2月國定假日休館 :



⬯ 開館時間:星期二至星期日

⬯ 開放時間:09:00-12:00,13:30-16:30

⬮ 休館時間:星期一及國定假日



◤ 每週一固定休館

◤ 1月國定假日休館 :



⬯ 開館時間:星期二至星期日

⬯ 開放時間:09:00-12:00,13:30-16:30

⬮ 休館時間:星期一及國定假日





COSPLAY消防服裝來館,就有機會得到🚑✨ ◤合金消防迴力車扭蛋◥ ✨ 🚒







2025年1月1日 元旦 防災館開館囉




>>09:00-13:00 開放全館ㄧ、二樓


歡迎 花蓮特殊教育學校 蒞臨

歡迎 花蓮縣立自強國民中學 蒞臨本館

歡迎 教育部花蓮縣聯絡處 陳上校軍訓督導帶領各校軍訓教官、學務創新及學務同仁

歡迎 花蓮縣洄瀾親子館 蒞臨本館

Introduction Introduction

Introduction Introduction

Exhibition area introduction

Image Hall - The lively and dynamic images of fire fighters have become the highlight of the museum

The high-ceiling lobby is used to shape the image of the center. The different depths and different levels of the facade, abstractly represent the mountain topography of the East Rift Valley of Hualien. Characters of the center are vividly presented through the dynamic visual effects, making the public amazed and refreshed, and creates the first impression upon entering the center.

PREA area, A salute to firefighters

This area unveils the exhibition by displaying firefighting antiques and presenting the history of Hualien’s firefighting and the major historical disasters through [Fire Service Events in Focus]. In addition, this area introduces the distribution of the Hualien Fire squads, the work and training of the firefighters and rescue teams, fire trucks, and rescue equipments, which allows the public to understand the hard work of the rescue warriors.

Area A, Outdoor safety

Outdoor activities have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in Hualien, where there are 43 of Taiwan's one hundred famous mountains. During summer vacation, people often engage in water-related activities here. However, without the correct concepts and without abiding by various principles, it is very easy to cause accidents such as mountain disasters, drowning and public safety.
This area explains how to respond to, prevent, and self rescue from danger such as bee stings, snake bites, drownings, or accidents in mountains and water areas. When going to public places, it is also crucial to have knowledge of related fire equipments, in order to prevent danger from happening.

Area B, Natural disaster response

Taiwan is located in the typhoon attack area of ​​the Western Pacific. During summer, the east Taiwan is often the first to bear the brunt. Hualien is also located on the junction of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea plate, where earthquakes occur frequently with potential occurence of tsunamis.
Natural disasters are unavoidable. The focus of education in this area is on how to prevent, respond to, and self-rescue from disasters such as typhoons, tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes, etc., and how to live and prevent epidemics in shelters after disasters.

Area C, Disaster prevention at home

Electrical fires are often the cause of home disasters. This section mainly introduces topics such as home fires, residental fire alarm, carbon monoxide poisoning, and gas and home appliances safety. Learn the correct way of extinguishing fire and evacuating from fire through the interactive experiences in this area.
It shows the places where disasters are prone to occur, and allows people to learn how to evacuate, respond, and self rescue to these dangers.

Area D, Emergency medical services

The terrain of Hualien is long and narrow, and can take long for the ambulance to arrive. If people seize the golden rescue time and learn the correct and basic emergency rescue methods, they may save a life or reduce casualties in time.
This area summarizes first-aid methods and how to report emergencies. Through technology applications, people can excercise Helmlich Maneuver, learn the correct action of CPR+AED, and how to respond to burns, which allows people to accurately learn first-aid methods and reporting procedures.

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